Monday, September 6, 2010

The Corporate Life

I'm going to be as honest as possible on my blog, because what's the point in me giving you some BS story about how amazing post-graduation life with a double-major is (I still think the time spent in college was 100% worth it and am confident I will find a job I will love sometime soon).

I've worked hard to get to where I am at in life. And while I may not be where I want to be yet, I'm working on it. It takes time and perseverance to live the dream... and don't forget suffering.

I recently applied for a job at a corporate chain of stores while I continue looking for some reporting and writing (or at least better marketing) gigs. So far the said chain (which will remain unnamed), has put me through 9 hours of orientation (yes, that's not even training yet folks), only to tell me there is one more round left to go. Then there is a week where the schedule has already been made and then I'll be able to start working normal shifts.

I get this company is pushing for great customer service and sales, but there is something about possessing people skills. You either have it or you don't. At the end of the day, no amount of corporate kool-aid will make you less of a douchebag (pardon my French).

While I am honest in my writing, I have been told I'm the nicest guy many people have ever met. And I'd agree that I am, almost to a fault at times. I rarely lose my temper and can make friends with most people.

However, when I attend these corporate orientation sessions, I feel like I am losing my soul, one tiny piece at a time. This company doesn't care about the people, it cares about padding its pockets with money, but the business major in me knows that you can't be successful without a stable income. And this place is giving me work, which in this economy, you have to accept.

At least the company I'm working for has some good discounts and it will motivate me to keep looking for my dream job...

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